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Our kids' ministry seeks to engage children in a lifetime of faith by building Godly relationships and providing gospel-centered teaching from birth through sixth grade.


We believe that anchoring a child in God's Word will impact and empower them to live out their God-given purpose. We seek to encourage and equip parents to partner with us in their child's spiritual development as they raise their kids to be fully committed followers of Christ. 

  Follow us on social media for updates and schedule.



weber city campus

children's church

Nursery 0-2 yrs
Preschool: 3-5yrs
Children: Grades K-4th

sunday school
10:30 am

Nursery 0-2yrs
Preschool: 3-5 yrs
Children: Grades K-1st
Children: Grades 2-3rd
Children: Grades 4-6th

Sunday School
10:30 am

children's Church
11:30 am

north campus

Nursery: 0-2yrs
Preschool: 3yrs - 1st Grade
Older Kids: 2nd - 6th Grade
Youth: Grades 6-12th

Nursery: 0-2yrs
Preschool: 3yrs - 1st Grade
Older Kids: 2nd - 6th Grade


5 - 6

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